Hello! Welcome to the seasonal sessions landing page. 
As a family photographer in Ohio sometimes what works best at this stage in life is a short seasonal session. These sessions are set up back to back at a specific location and time. 
You will find information here about spring sessions, fall sessions, holiday sessions (Easter minis, Christmas minis, 4th of July minis, etc.) and any other special offerings I am currently running.
These sessions are perfect for families wanting a short and sweet session (aka mini sessions). We keep them quick! You can expect your session to last approximately 10-15 minutes in length.   
If you prefer a different time or location than what is offered, please book a regular session (Regular Session Info). I would be happy to discuss how to create the session you need!
These are shortened seasonal sessions. To book a regular full session please contact mary@goodshotsphoto.com

🌿Spring Sessions @ Deep Cut or Kendrick Woods🌿

The weather will be warming up before we know it!
🌿Kendrick Woods 🌿has an earthy feel in the woods with lots of brown and some hills. We love going down the ravine with the hills in the background.
🌿Deep Cut🌿 will have a grassy open area with a tree line. Right now the trees are still bare, and we'll see blooms starting to fill out the trees and the purple floral blooms in the prairie and lilac bushes in May.
🌿Reservoir🌿 another location that looks nice in early spring, but recommended for adventure seekers. The wind is always super strong and there is a big steep hill and rocks.
Blooms look to be a little ahead of schedule this year so we'll see if that stays on pace. I'm so excited for our beautiful spring season!
Contact Mary@goodshotsphoto.com to schedule!

Message me for questions!
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